Friday, April 27, 2012

When life gives you lemons make Taco salad?

Yes that's right make Taco salad. That's what I did.  I am not going to post the recipe because its very obvious whats in it. Its also very fast and easy. I want to talk about nuts. On Dr Oz the other day he said we should soak our nuts. Well I don't soak my nuts I just pop them in my mouth the way they are sold at the store.  Literally you take a glass , put your nuts in it and they swell up.
Here is what he says:

Dr. Oz: Soak Your Nuts

Energy Solution 3: Nut Soak-Soak your nuts says Dr. Oz, because nuts are covered in phytates. By soaking the nuts in purified water overnight, you’ll wash away phytates and make the nuts easily digestible, including the key nutrients you need to boost your energy.

I don't like Dr Oz that much though it was just on TV and I found it interesting because we do eat a lot of nuts in my household. 

So we are getting ready for the Hubby's Birthday and I plan on making him a Paleo version of a German chocolate cake .  I'm super stoked about it. I seriously love trying out new recipes.  

That's all I have tonight.. Check out this Taco salad

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